Great post!

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Interesting read, what criteria do you use in hiring exceptional talent?

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Hey Scott - We're building a platform that pays sales leaders to interview candidates before they're sent to companies for consideration. 

Today, many sales leaders are asked by their network to take a look at a resume or chat with a candidate before a hiring decision is made. We're aiming to operationalize and scale that motion.

When we match our sales leaders (we call them Leap Advisors) to a client their interview guide has high-level open ended questions to allow our Leap Advisors to take the conversation where they believe it needs to go with the candidate. After A/B testing different approaches we found that by letting our Advisors drive the conversation we acquire more information on candidates and help our clients weed through the top of the funnel.

For more detail on our Advisor interview guide: https://theleapadvisor.substack.com/p/tips-for-managers-getting-the-most

2-part series on the fundamentals of an effective sales interview process: https://theleapadvisor.substack.com/p/fundamentals-of-an-effective-sales

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